

i'm pretty sure that the main reason i enjoy running so much is because it not only forces the body to perform at top shape, but because it also demands a significantly high level of mental toughness. 

when you run, your mind has no option but to fight. it must fight just as hard as the body, if not more.

when your legs can't go another mile but you manage five more...

when your feet are soaked to the bone, gnawed to the nubs, raw and worn beyond repair...

when your thoughts all but tell you you're done, that you absolutely can't take it anymore...

you fight.

and you FIGHT.

until that shit goes away.

and it will. eventually. a little bit more, every day.

you build it. you build mental toughness. you build it and it gets stronger and you keep building on that.

i've made a lot of mistakes in my life. i've paid a lot of prices.

and i've had to fucking fight.

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