
Crazy people doin' crazy shit

uh... yeah. *THIS* is happening -- an actual church event where you can bring your animals to get... blessed.

yeah. blessed.

what does it mean to be blessed anyway? some egomaniac with fake credentials revered by idiots that somehow link him to the invisible sky daddy forces above lays a hand (which is probably just an ordinary hand -- like yours or mine) on someone (or, in this case, something), closes his eyes, then says a bunch of hocus pocus magic shit that makes everything better?

uh... okay.

and now being blessed isn't reserved for your new house or grandma's brain cancer! now fido and spot can be blessed too!

oh, but your gay uncle charlie? not so fast. you know, silly, just as well as i do, that jesus-god hates fags.

(thanks to C for the tip)

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