
The scariest part

the scariest part, to me, about religion isn't that a bunch of people believe in it. and it's not that people act crazy under its influence and blow things, places and people up for it... and it's not even that their misguided ideals are forced down society's throat without regard for etiquette.


the scariest part is that really smart, really intelligent people tend to believe in that shit from time to time. because the evidence against belief is beyond clear, i've long said that i don't see how an educated person could ever be a believer. so that's why when i see barack obama or someone of that caliber talking about their religious beliefs in god (gods, whatevs) i shake my head and hope that it's all really just an act. i mean, come on. it's one thing to say what the people want to hear in order to control/govern them, but when it involves advocating the existence of unicorns, fairies and fiery dragons, I have a real problem with it.

it actually makes me angry.

and it's just not fucking acceptable that to be successful in some areas of the world you have to believe in bearded sky gods, fortune telling stars and virgin birth fantasies.

so totally unfair.


  1. Hell, we both know that politicians would commit career suicide if they didn't acknowledge The Imaginary Friend. No fucking way an atheist gets elected in this county.

  2. i know it. i just dont like it, nor understand/accept it. it's mind numbingly ridiculous. ugh.
