
Lahdy fucking dah

have ya heard the news, people? the pope -- yeah, the funny old ex-nazi with a penchant for protecting baby-rapers -- has given his blessing on social networking, saying it's okay for us to indulge in cyberspace as long as we maintain genuine, solid, relationships in the real world.

of course, you are not included in this blessing if you are any of the following:

 -- smart
 -- gay
 -- non-catholic (so all you jews and muslims and buddha lovers can get lost too)
 -- vigilant against catholic sanctioned crimes against our youth

i'm sure there are other categories of people who can piss off, according to the popey pope, but i'm not gonna waste any more time getting into it.  the double standards are still there.  the church is still intent on controlling the masses (read: the stupid).  and shit ain't gonna change unless we start calling them out on their delusionoid idiocy.

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