
The golden rule, bitches

it amazes me that our species has gotten so far and accomplished so much towards the continuing realm of progress; yet at the same time, as a whole, we still can't exercise the most basic, most practical, most beneficial life-guiding maxim:

do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

i learned this in fucking kindergarten.

now, i will freely admit: i didn't really get it until i was about 27 years old... but once i got it, i really got it. everything sort of made sense after that. i didn't have to question my every move anymore. it was quite the mind-freeing experience.

and nowadays i treat others how i would want to be treated and it fucking works!

but on a large, worldwide scale, we are not even close to putting such good advice in practice.

why? what's the fucking problem? we put a man on the moon but can't stop murdering our fucking neighbors?

differences. intolerance. hate.

all tenets (okay, maybe not tenets, but definitely by-products) of religion... like it or not.

my advice? ditch jesus, muhammad and whatever other invisible friend ya wanna cling to and stick to the golden rule.

ya can't ever go wrong in that.


  1. And that, in the form of The Zero Aggression Principle, is the heart of "libertarianism".
    It works in the real world, all the time, everywhere it is tried, and it doesn't depend on the cooperation of the uncooperative. It's pretty cool, really.

  2. then by that definition, everyone should be a libertarian! i've been one at the core this whole time? who knew....

  3. I do think that on a peronal level almost everyone (except sociopaths) lives a very "libertarian" life. If not, no one will deal with them. It's mainly when dealing with people outside your circle that it starts seeming OK to use coercion, or to send other people to use it, to get them to do what you think they ought to do.
