
More proof we're all fucking doomed

just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be done. i mean, yeah, i could take my pants off in the middle of a busy intersection and try to blow myself, but that doesn't make it a good idea.

yet, here we are, the delusionoid tainted duggar family is having a 20th child.

sure, because they really need to fill that 20th childless void.

jesus fucking christ. this is why we (logical folk) will never come out on top. the stupid keep MULTIPLYING.



  1. One reason I have heard the delusionoids give for over-reproducing is that "they" (Mexicans, Muslims, whoever they hate/fear the most today) are reproducing "too fast" and will outnumber "us" in X number of years unless "we" reproduce faster.

  2. not surprised. most delusionoid decisions seem to be based on ignorance and fear.
