
Bright sidin' it

a long time ago i learned (the hard way) to be thankful for all that i have. whether that's a place to sleep at night, some hamiltons in my pocket, or the sound use of all my limbs, all my senses, i feel that it is important to be humble and appreciative, if only for one's own mental health.

i begin every run by saying thanks. not to jesus, not to alah, not to any make-believe sky daddy. i say it to myself. to remind me of the perils i could endure in another body, another world. i proclaim to no one in particular the graciousness i have. that -- at the very least -- i have the ability to RUN.

and nothing brings that passion to light more than dealing with a fucking injury. i mentioned previously my "butt pain" and how it wouldn't keep me out of this coming saturday's half marathon. well, it's not getting any better. and from what i've read it could take 2-4 weeks to heal completely. and i don't have that kind of time.

i also don't have the luxury of being stupid. if i run on it, i could make it worse and endanger much more than just my chances of finishing one, measly race. so, in having to take my own advice and find the fucking bright side to every possible negative, here's what i got:

i can still walk.

if i can't run, i'll volunteer at an aid station and cheer on others.

i still look sexy in my winter tights.


take that murphy you fucking dirty whore troublemaker you!


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