
You wanna know why? here's why...

lots of people ask me why i am so outspoken against religion, why i attack it relentlessly, why i say mean things about it.

well, to that i say: do you even listen to what i'm saying?

religion has caused widespread psychological damage not just to me, but to my family and others i care about. some have recovered, most have not, and it pains me to see people i love so lost in hallucination.

it fucking pains me.

oh, and here's another reason... via sam harris:

"unreason is now ascendant in the united states -- in our schools, in our courts, and in each branch of the federal government. only 28 percent of americans believe in evolution; 68 percent believe in satan. ignorance in this degree, concentrated in both the head and belly of a lumbering superpower, is now a problem for the entire world." 
-- The End of Faith

uh... yeah.

and it ain't just the USA, it's the UK, it's india, it's pakistan, it's saudi arabia, it's iran, it's scary as shit. that's what it is. knowing that the people whose fingers hover over the little red buttons of the world are deeply committed to ghosts and goblins and sky daddys and magical prophets that exist only in the collective minds of the delusional SCARES THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME.

so yeah. that's why.

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