
"When you bring the animal for fondling in to the room"

this picture is funny to me for two reasons.

the first (and obvious one) is because it's fucking hilarious. engrish, no matter what the time nor place, is guaranteed to be funny.

but the animal fondling thing makes me laugh for another reason too. a couple months ago i got some witnessing emails from a "concerned" individual intent on saving my soul in the name of jesus. his main argument for christianity was that without it there is no moral base for which we can build our own understanding of right from wrong.

which, of course, is absolute horse shit.

and i told him as much.

i even backed it up with lots and lots and lots of supporting evidence.

and his evidence? his argument?

he didn't have any, except to say that it is because it is -- the same tired (and pointless) excuse for reason that religious folks cling to.

but throughout the body of his argument he kept bringing up the idea that without christianity, without a god, people would be prone to... fornicating with animals.

yeah. i'm not fucking kidding.

without jesus man won't know that it's wrong to fuck a donkey! oh shit! without god man won't know that it's bad to finger-bang your rottweiler! oh thank god for jesus, or else i would've been destined to a life of licking tangy tiger twats!

hurray for jesus!

(image via engrish funny)

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