
Jesus and his touching

my youngest sister is just 15 years old, but she was bitten by the jesus bug early (as was i) and is so far buried inside its magical veil of ridiculousness that she shows no signs of ever thinking for herself, ever thinking on her own, ever thinking, that it really depresses me sometimes.

what is one to do when he sees his family members -- people he really loves and cares about -- fall victim to the fallacies of the church?

i have tried talking to her about the poor science and plethora of contradictions in the bible, about how she should learn to question everything, that i used to be a lot like she when i was her age...

but she doesn't want to hear it.

and i don't want to push her away.

but it really fucking bothers me that i'm related to so many jesus freaks and i can do nothing to change it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry to hear that, dude. I can certainly empathize though. My older brother contracted the Jesus virus late in life, and we have been estranged for over a year now because of it. I'm not so disturbed about that though because he and I seem to always be estranged about something.

    What does bother me is that he has been poisoning my nephew's young mind with that absurd bullshit to the point that my nephew won't even talk to me about it.

    On the bright-side, my nephew heads off to college in the fall, so I'm hoping the combination of a college education and him being away from my sanctimonious brother will cure him of the virus.

    You are wise to not push your sister, I've found that just raises the walls of obstinance and somehow galvanizes the delusion armor even further.

    Hopefully she'll navigate her way out of the labyrinth of irrational thought as you did, then you can both laugh about it over a cold one someday.

  3. thanks j2. i appreciate your sharing of that. yeah, she's only 15, so she might grow out of it eventually like the rest of us kids did (except for one). it's tough, but if we don't stand for somethin' we'll fall for anything... didn't someone important say that? yeah. i think michael jackson said that. EL OH EL
