
Blow job tree, jesus tree, what's the difference?

in a word: nothing.

i'll explain...

when i was a kid, my small town was in a frenzy over the supposedly sacred spawning of jesus' face on a tree found deep inside a catholic cemetery. it was the talk of town. people drove from miles and miles just to pay homage to it. news crews reported it like it was some rapture-esque sign from sky daddy above.

uh... yeah.

a fucking tree.

to say that people (especially delusional, weak-minded, uneducated people) will see whatever they wanna see in any mundane, inanimate object is quite the understatement.

i saw a big donkey dick slapping ann coulter's face while reading a sports illustrated that had a cover of mariah carey finger-banging tiger woods' asshole the other day, all in the formation of some nimbus clouds hovering in the sky. stop the fucking press and report this shit!

people are crazy.

and i want no part of it.


  1. Hey! I know that tree. I was a student at Ohio Wesleyan University for a year before I transferred to NYU and that was the blowjob tree. Unfortunately, they cut it down about a year ago (before that a storm took off the heads of the two lovers). I'm just surprised you found it considering it's a college of 1,800 people in a tiny town of 27,000 in the middle of nowhere, Midwest, USA. It made my day.

  2. awesome. well thanks for giving me the background on the pic. i didn't know all that but knowledge is power, so much appreciated!
