
We can't help that we're smarter than you

one of the problems i face throughout my unfettered campaign to educate the masses on what is and isn't logical in terms of religion (read: religion is not logical, at all) is that i come across as "mean"... as a "bully"... that i'm "arrogant" and i don't "respect" the values and belief systems of others.

if i walked into a room full of math scholars and told them that 100 divided by 10 is actually 5, not 10 like they think it is, they would all laugh at me. i could then plead my correctness by saying the answer is 5, because i have faith that it is, despite my inability to prove my theory.

still, they would laugh at me. as they should.

because such behavior is idiotic.

we wouldn't allow such foolery to exist in other discourses, like topography, medicine, geology... but for some reason we have to allow it in religion because it wouldn't be polite otherwise.


i'm arrogant? i'm being mean? i'm a bully?

sorry, but i don't recall ever killing someone over something as stupid and unfounded as religion. i also don't recall ever demanding others respect my belief in fairy tales, or hijacking intelligent conversation with bronze age stories of talking snakes and authoritative bushes.

give me.

a fucking.



  1. On a related subject, VERY related, check out the conversation I had with religious people on this other blog. Go here, then do the "find on this page" thingy with my name (Kent) and follow the discussion. Then see if I was being intentionally insulting to the religious folks.

  2. good stuff, kent. the most important thing: "I think the truth is always better than a lie"... people embrace the lie because it sounds good and they want it to be true, despite their inability to prove it... like those with whom you were debating on there. in the end, they're not ready for the truth... and to me, that's sad (and archaic).
