
Perception is a bitch

to-MAY-to, to-MAH-to, bla bla bla...

most people find cats adorable. i find them despicable: cute little agents of chaos who will burn you when ya ain't lookin' (or in my case, while you're lookin' right at 'em). just look at this cat. it most definitely harbors some hidden agenda. being this close to the remote control is not natural.
of course, i realize i am in the minority here -- that i'll never break the 'cats are cute' status quo. but that doesn't mean i have to join the masses. in fact, it means i have to work harder to shift the balance.

did i mention i am highly allergic to them?

look, it's hard for me to argue against the fact that cats are cute. they are. some hookers are cute too; but i know if i sleep with one i might come out burned.

with cats, i KNOW i'll come out burned... suffering along with great big welts, hives... watery, itchy eyes... and the intolerable feeling that an army of fire ants are digging through every single pore of my skin.

damn you kitties!!!

(this feline comes via greta)

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