
The genius of slayer

any investigative work on the history of heavy metal band slayer will net the investigator zero instances where band members align themselves with satanic practices.

but christians would like you to believe that.

they'd also like you to believe that they are nazi apologists (they're not) and anti-american (again, they're not).

in fact, if slayer is anything, it is smart as fucking smart can be.

there are a bazillion heavy metal bands, but none attack the church as adamantly as slayer; and in doing so they have created an unparalleled buzz that permeates both the religious and non-religious worlds.

as an impressionable youth trapped in the archaic dogma of the christian church, i didn't even know who or what slayer was until a sunday school teacher brought it up (this is in the early 90s if memory serves me right).

"they are satanic and they are intent on destroying christianity" she said.

so, of course, like any other curious kid, as soon as i got the chance i went out and bought their tape. and i fell in love with it; because i love parody and slayer is definitely parody. believe that.

and remember, there is no such thing as bad press. the soiled image of slayer branded by the church to stop people from listening to them only caused more people (the curious, the rebels, etc.) to listen to to them.

personally, i don't even pay attention to the lyrics (i can't understand half of them) but soaking in their guitar licks and their drop tuning and their thrashing symphony of sound has long been a favorite way for me to blow off steam. and besides, i do enjoy the looks i get when i -- the last person on earth you'd ever seriously consider to harbor metal head tendencies -- scream out "GOD HATES US ALL!"

rock on.


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