
Force fed

yeah, yeah, i know. this is one cute, adorable picture.

but, metaphorically speaking, it opens the door on some pretty sick shit. let me explain:

look, my parents did a decent job of raising me. they're good people. except, there's this one thing they did that caused me a lot strife in life -- something i've not been able to shake openly and publicly until just recently... and that is that my parents force fed me the christian bullshit. they weren't holy roller evangelicals or anything like that, but it was pretty clear growing up that i had to be a christian and i had to be a christian for one reason and one reason only: because they were christians. and i think that's a pretty shitty thing for a parent to do.

yeah, sure, they meant no harm in it. they were just following suit, doing what they thought was right. but what they thought was right because society says it's right was actually pretty fucking harmful.

thinking your little jewish friend is gonna burn in hell and gnash her teeth while getting gang raped by satan and his evil minions for eternity is a fucking awful, fucking terrible, FUCKING LUDICROUS thing to teach a ten year old child. in the presence of elders, a ten year old child will believe that sort of shit and he will have nightmares and he will start talking to an invisible non-existent sky daddy in order to help prevent that situation... and when he finds out his little jewish friend's mom and dad say the same thing about him -- that he's destined for a life of eternal damnation, of skin melting heat, of infinitely brutal torture, because he doesn't follow the right sky daddy -- that kid will be REALLY FUCKED UP.

so we know this kid dressed in a care bear suit surrounded by care bears didn't dress up like that on its own. mommy and daddy did it. it was done for the amusement of the adults and the amusement of the adults only.

that kid had no fucking choice in the matter.

and if kids deserve anything, they deserve to have a choice.

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